Thursday, October 21, 2010

An Outlet

I feel like I've needed an outlet lately.  Not that I want everyone and their dog to know what I'm doing and thinking, but I feel like it's important to express what I've been feeling and doing lately.  There's a lot going on in my head and it's about time to let some of it out.  I'm hoping this can be a form of therapy for me.  Let's just hope it doesn't end up too melodramatic!  That's not what I'm shooting for.  So bare with me while I figure out how I want my blog to look and feel.  I think it will be fun too!

It makes me so sad that this is only 1 of about 3 or 4 pictures Almira will have with her Grammy.  My mom would have adored her just as much as I do.  My mom and I used to do everything together.  I miss that so much.  However, God's timing is just that.  Designed for each one of us.  I lost my mom, but I became a mom to the most precious girl.  I don't know what I would do without Almira.  Thank you mom for teaching me all the special things a mom should be.  You were by far the best.

I'll leave you with this from October 21st Jesus Calling:
"Be prepared to let go of anything I take from you, but never let go of my hand!"

1 comment:

  1. FINALLY!!! So excited that you started a blog! It's actually really nice to put things down on 'paper'. I love you and can't wait to see whatcha got sista ;)
